Life Through My Eyes

...a Blog about REAL Life.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Living A Life in Balance™

Although we live in Texas where the changing of seasons is not as noticable as in other parts of the world, there's still an energetic shift that happens. We don’t often realize the significance of the transformation it represents and the energy that can be derived from it. It's a time of stillness…a time to rest, rejuvenate and settle in, which is not to be confused with settling for, but rather, to be recognized as a nurturing, healing time and an opportunity for transformation within.

Before the onset of the holiday rush and excitement, yet close enough to the end of year to reflect on what has been, this time allows us the opportunity to prepare and set our intentions for what’s to come. It is a time of transition, just as nature transitions to make room for new growth, this is an opportunity to explore deeply, uproot and release the energy of what no longer serves us and gather new awareness and revised energy to live more fully present and awake in our True Self.

One of my favorite practices to do this time of year is A Life in Balance: an 8-week process with step-by-step tools to clear negative energy, re-set goals and intentions and create healthy balance in every area of life...mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, financial, vocational, and environmental. It takes a minimum of 8 weeks to complete, which means we're shedding and shifting right up to the end of the year, prepared to step into the new year with renewed energy and balance. And the best news is, the entire course is now downloadable and packed with goodies you can use at your own pace, with 1-1 coaching (with yours truly!) along the way.

As Fall begins to work it's magic, I hope you'll let it work for you in releasing the old, allowing the new, and kicking off the coming year in balance. Visit us at to register and let's get started! 

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