Life Through My Eyes

...a Blog about REAL Life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm Here for the DANCING!

Enough is enough. We EACH have a choice to dance or to remain crippled by our unforgiveness. Today, I make a vow:

I'll not spend another blessed moment of my precious time on Earth attempting to sooth a wounded, angry ego that refuses to be free. Yes, that one…there. The dark mangled one that remains in the cage with the door swung wide, demanding to be coaxed out with fresh meat to sink its rotted teeth in; the one pretending to be quiet, festering in its own miserable consequence and unholy blame. 

NO! My Spirit will not be gnawed upon again. I'm not here for the feeding. I'm here for the DANCING! And the LOVING…and the LIVING! Don't dare ask me to pity that monster! How could I pity such a beautiful beast? It clearly feels at home in its own madness. It is neither broken nor bleeding, but still cowers in that wretched, hostile stench, unwilling to see itself in the light…unwilling to feel the sun on its face and the grass on its belly. Unwilling to forgive. 

I have no pity for that choice, and no more time to waste in the waiting. I’m here for the dancing. And dance I SHALL! 

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