Life Through My Eyes

...a Blog about REAL Life.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Flip it...Flip it GOOD!

Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we always have a choice. That simple truth changes everything! ~ Kate Bares-Johnson

Looking at the world around us, it’s a bit challenging to accept that we’re at choice about much of anything these days, however, choosing to shift our perception about that is precisely what proves it to be true! Regardless of our circumstances, we absolutely have the free will to determine how we interpret each moment, and with a little guidance and practice, we can literally change our entire view. For instance, consider this: Is life happening TO you or FOR you? Not sure? Well then, which one feels better?

Yes, it really is okay to simply pick a perspective that brings you peace, joy, and relief, and it really IS that easy. The reality is, you’ve been choosing your entire life…you just didn’t know all your options! Even when our choices seem slim, our first and most empowering choice is always our perspective. Therefore, if what you’re experiencing doesn’t suit you…just FLIP IT! Change the way you look at it and you’ll not only change how you feel, but you can stop whole paradigms in their tracks. You will bust up old beliefs, release old behaviors, and shift the energy on the planet…if you choose to.

Here are a few easy FLIPS to start with, that will hopefully spark new thoughts for you:

You can choose to see an Obstacle as an Opportunity, a Problem as a Possibility or a Dilemma as nothing more than a Decision. What if Weird is Wonderful, being Alone is when you come Alive, and Conflict creates Closeness? Imagine the possibilities if Lack is Luxury and Grief is Glorious! How can this be?!

This can “be” because it’s just a choice. Not a choice intended to invalidate our pain and grief, but one that will help us USE our life experiences to grow, heal, change and transform, which is what (I choose to believe) they are intended to do. Choosing a different perspective doesn’t change the experience, it only changes what you do with it.

So, next time you feel life rolling over you, FLIP IT and see where you land! Look for the gift, the lesson, and the purpose and remember…life is happening FOR you, not TO you. ALL things come to you for you highest good!

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