Life Through My Eyes

...a Blog about REAL Life.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Need a rope?

There are things that we do, and say, and believe that simply...are...not...true. False paradigms molded from the extremities of our life experiences...some we were taught and some we made up ourselves, to make sense and survive pain. We have survival instincts on all levels...emotional, physical and spiritual...which is obviously a good thing. However, we can also get stuck there, continuing in a cycle of surviving rather thriving or fully living. These false beliefs and paradigms come with behaviors and choices that have become our "survival strategies". Over time, these become our "knee jerk" reactions to life and experiences, inevitably working against us rather than in our favor, creating the very pain we're attempting to avoid.

Sound familiar? If you answered "no", then one of your survival strategies may be denial. *grin* Seriously one is exempt from the human condition, regardless of how deeply buried in our subconscious it may be. In fact, it's usually not until that pain outweighs the pain we're avoiding, that we finally wave the white flag and surrender to our healing.

And we can heal! We CAN! We can stop the madness...and we will, when we're willing. True, we probably won't get far employing the same strategies we've used thus far, (false beliefs and paradigms), and we may not know what to replace them with, but we can ask for help. We can stop being right about what's wrong and get a second opinion; a different perspective; a second pair of eyes to see what we can't see. Someone we trust to be honest and objective, who can guide us when we get off track, or throw us a rope when we fall in a hole...and hold it steady on the other end while we pull ourselves up. There's no shame in not knowing what we don't know. We can ask for support...and we can get it.

So when you feel stuck, or that "something's missing", or you don't understand why painful patterns keep repeating themselves...or you DO understand, but you don't know how to stop the cycle; or you feel angry, scared, lost, or hurt; unloved or unworthy, not good enough, unmotivated, out of balance, or just generally "not in your true skin"...maybe it's time to grab the rope? Not to hang yourself, silly...but to let someone help you pull yourself up.

There's always help, there's always hope, there's always a choice...and we're never alone!

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