So, this morning, as I slowed to a stop to let a young man and his girlfriend cross, he looked directly at me and in what seemed to be an automatic response, raised his hand and smiled a "thank you". In an instance, I was snapped out of my "still-on-my-first-cup-of-coffee" daze and filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I smiled back, but he'd already looked away. Had I not been in my pj's, I would have jumped out of the car and hugged him right there on the spot!
Why so amazed and elated by something as common as a courtesy wave? Well, because it's not very common any more. Not just in high school parking lots, but anywhere! And I'm not just talking about the obvious. (Think "metaphor")
Having the "right of way" does not necessarily guarantee safe passage, regardless of what one is "entitled" to and I think a little common-sense kindness goes a long way. I personally do my best to make sure I wave, smile, nod or offer some measure of acknowledgement for the courtesy another extends me, whether I'm jogging, driving, or in the shopping-cart-chaos that is Costco on a Saturday afternoon. Why? Because it's just good manners, for one...and two, I like good karma. But most importantly, because a young man in a parking lot made my day this morning with a simple smile and a wave when he had no reason to do so other than simple, every-day grace. Enough said.
Thank you Kate for your inspiring insight! I am sure you won't mind if I pass your blog along.... You are speaking my language. I LOVE kindness and gratitude... Best! Jan
Does it matter if you say "smile, fucker"??? Kidding, lol...a joke from Russia...No one smiles. I told Gladice to be the change see wanted to see in the world. She did, smiled at everyone, then said "smile" day two...and no compliance from the Russians, she kept smiling and saying "smile, fucker" under her breath...At 80 years old, i love that she still has a sense of humor. And she still wants everyone to smile.
Yes, Jan...please do PASS IT ON!
Great story Marnie!
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